New features on Bridge Protocol

February 04th 2021

Today we introduce you to several new features that we have recently added to Bridge Protocol, our open-source asset tokenization platform. They are mainly aimed at facilitating the day-to-day operations of creating new assets and managing them, as well as reduce gas costs and gas wastes where possible.

Binance Chain and Matic Testnets

We have always mentioned that Bridge Protocol was a blockchain agnostic technology and that it could be deployed on top of any EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) compatible blockchain. We are now actively exploring that possibility, mainly due to the extremely high and volatile gas prices on Ethereum today.

As a result, Testnets are now available for Binance Chain and Matic. Additional Ethereum Testnets were also added. In summary, when creating a new asset with Bridge Protocol’s web interface today, you now have the following network choices:

  • Ethereum:
    • Mainnet
    • Ropsten (Testnet)
    • Goerli (Testnet)
    • Kovan (Testnet)
    • Ganache (local)
  • BNB Chain:
    • Testnet
  • Matic:
    • Testnet

Bulk transfers

Until now, a Bridge token could be distributed in two ways: through a token sale, with investors sending Ethers to an address and instantly receiving their tokens in return, or through manual transfers to individual wallet addresses.

You can now make customized bulk token distributions to large numbers of investors, by simply uploading a CSV file containing recipient addresses and choosing various sending settings.

Bridge Protocol bulk send

Re-using previous deployments to save gas

A new feature when creating a new token lets you re-use the logic contract from a previously deployed asset. This simple yet very useful feature allows to save significant amounts of gas and time by avoiding the deployment of duplicate logic contracts.

Resume interrupted deployment

Another gas saving feature is the ability to resume the deployment of a new asset that was interrupted for any reason (not enough gas, configuration errors, lost connection, etc.). You can now fix the source of the interruption, resume the deployment where you left it and avoid this way the loss of the gas spent on the code already deployed until the interruption.


With aliases, Bridge Protocol now lets you give human-readable names to the multiple addresses contained in the secret phrase (Ledger, Trezor, etc.) used to manage the assets. With this system, you can organize names for different addresses according to your workflow needs and facilitate your overall interaction with Bridge Protocol. More info on aliases here.

Bridge Protocol aliases


Last but not least, an official documentation for Bridge Protocol is now available here and will be enriched on an ongoing basis.