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Waltio integrates Mt Pelerin

Declare your cryptos in France easily!

November 8th 2022

We are now integrated in Waltio.co, the platform specialized in crypto tax filings for France!

You can now easily import your crypto buy/sell transactions made with Mt Pelerin in Waltio's tool, which will help you calculate and declare the right amount of tax to the French fiscal authorities.

Waltio also offers you a 10% discount on their plans if you use the MTPELERIN<3 referral code!

How it works

  1. Sign up on Waltio by using this link.
  2. Use the MTPELERIN<3 referral code to get a 10% discount.
  3. Export your transactions in Bridge Wallet by going in Activity > Off chain > Transactions statement, select dates then click on "Generate CSV".
  4. Import the CSV file into Waltio.


💡 You can get a statement of your Mt Pelerin transactions in Bridge Wallet even if you have used our service through our website or through a third party site.

💡 Waltio needs all your crypto-fiat transactions to work, so select the date of your first transaction with us as the date range's starting date.

💡 The file must be downloaded in English to be correctly imported in Waltio.

💡 Make sure to export the file in CSV format, Waltio doesn't support PDF files.